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Maintenance tips

Wednesday 13 July 2022, by La graine

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Nesting boxes and habitats may need to be cleaned or maintained so that they can be occupied by other animals afterward. When to do it and how?


When to do the maintenance?
> Bat nest box
> Hedgehog shelter
> Birdhouse

When to do the maintenance?

Maintenance depends on the type of habitat.

Bat nesting box

Nesting boxes for bats do not require any maintenance, and disturbing them during the day can be very harmful. [1]

Hedgehog shelter

The inside of the shelter can be cleaned at the end of the breeding season (early or mid-autumn). (Watch out for hot autumns!). [2]


Maintenance Period

Maintenance is done when the nest box is unoccupied.

At the end of winter, the birds begin to look for a habitat.
At the end of the spring to the beginning of autumn, it is possible to have a second brood.

At the end of winter, when the nest is empty, we can then clean the birdhouse.

Maintenance of a birdhouse

Ensure that the birdhouse is unoccupied and if this is the case:

  • put on gloves (for protection, hygiene and to minimize your smell);
  • lower the birdhouse to be comfortably installed (in case of bad surprise, insects, spider, snake... It is better to be on the ground).
  • empty the birdhouse (whether it is in good condition, with a non-viable egg or insects, we empty in its cases);
  • Open the birdhouse and dismantle it if necessary:
    • Clean it with boiling water by scrubbing with a brush.
    • You can also use household vinegar.
    • You can soak for a few minutes in bleach, diluted to 5 or 10% if occupied by rodents. In this case, rinse thoroughly with boiling water, rubbing with a brush.
  • Repair if useful:
    • Unclog the liquid evacuation holes.
    • We check the tightness. If cracks allow water to enter inside, fill in with solvent-free wood putty, or change the damaged part.
    • We check the bindings.
  • Let the birdhouse dry before replacing it empty in its original location.


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