Home > General Conditions of Use

General Conditions of Use

Friday 18 March 2022, by La graine

All the versions of this article: [English] [Français]

Legal notice of the website of the association “from seed to humus”.


This website is the property and creation of the association “De la graine à l’humus”, located 1 rue Fleury, 49 290 Chalonnes-sur-Loire.
The association does not have a telephone but can be contacted via the contact form on this site.

Its declaration number as a French association is W491020481.


Benjamin LARCHER is currently director of publication.


Hosting is provided byHostinger International Ltd. 61 Rue Lordou Vironos.

Personal data

The site collects the personal data provided by the user (mail and assumed name) for the use of the forums and in the event of collaboration on the writing / translation of the site. This data is in no way sold or transferred, but used only to allow collaboration.


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It is possible to use the private browsing function of your computer to browse without storing cookies.


Unless otherwise stated, the website and its content are licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal, Public Domain Dedication. This is to allow the sharing of content created for the greatest number.

Font Awesome icons (https://fontawesome.com/) are licensed under SIL OFL 1.1.

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