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Installation tips

Wednesday 13 July 2022, by La graine

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Advice on the installation of habitats (birds, bats...). The heights according to the species, locations, orientation, tree protection, slope...


Nesting box locations

Nesting box to be fixed on buildings, trees at the edge of the forest, near a pond, in a clearing or in the garden. [1]

Be well exposed to light (Exposure between west, south and south-east)

Install the nesting box at the end of winter. Bats can be accommodated in this transitional place when they come out of hibernation.

Nesting box height

Place the nesting box at least 3 m high, protected from predators.

Tree Protection

If attached to a tree...
When the iron wire (or a sheathed electric wire) is placed around the tree to fix the nest box, a foam (or a “sausage” of old textile) is placed between the tree and the iron wire, at the opposite of the nesting box so as not to damage the tree.


Birdhouse locations

The birdhouse is neither in the shade nor in full sun. An East / South-East orientation is generally recommended.
We will also avoid prevailing winds.

Nest box height

In alphabetical order of species.

Recommended height
White wagtail 1,5 to 2 m Ornithomedia
Tawny owl 1,5 to 2 m LPO Drôme Ardèche
Common kestrel 8 to 12 m Ornithomedia
Short-toed treecreeper 1,5 to 5 m Ornithomedia
Song thrush at 6 m, if possible on a tree with ivy LPO Drôme Ardèche
Eurasian hoopoe 1 m to 1,20 m LPO Drôme Ardèche
Common blackbird 1,5 to 6 m Ornithomedia
Coal tit 2 to 4 m LPO
Eurasian blue tit 2 to 5 m LPO
Great tit, Eurasian tree sparrow 2 to 6 m LPO
House sparrow 3 to 8 m LPO
European green woodpecker 2 to 6 m Ornithomedia
Great spotted woodpecker 3 to 5 m Ornithomedia
Common redstart 1,5 to 4 m LPO
Black redstart 2 to 6 m Ornithomedia
European robin 1,5 to 5 m Ornithomedia
Eurasian nuthatch, Common starling minimum 4 m, optimum 8 to 12 m LPO

Tree Protection

When the iron wire (or a sheathed electric wire) is placed around the tree to fix the nest box, a foam (or a “sausage” of old textile) is placed between the tree and the iron wire, at the opposite of the nesting box so as not to damage the tree.

Leaning birdhouse

A piece of cleat or wood is attached to the top of the back of the nest box, so that it is slightly tilted.


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